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ABOUT US Our company is devoted to making use of renewable energy from water. We are specialists in using locations with large heads and small amounts of water. A typical example is found in water feeding pipes. We provide our customers with consultancy services, mechanical and civil project documentation and the entire supply of the technology including the control system. We strive to achieve a maximum level of quality and to satisfy our customers as much as possible. We also produce unique models of water turbines for Universities and Industrial institutes in the field of mechanical engineering. We are devoted to the entire spectrum of small hydropower plants and closely cooperate with a number of specialists in this field. OUR PARTNERS Professional associations: ASOCIACE HYDROENERGETIKŮ ČR - Commercial cooperation: AQUAENERGY s.r.o. - Design cooperation: NOVÁČEK A SYN - Technical cooperation: ALVA - Research and development: VUT Brno |
antt s.r.o. IČ: 036 15 669, DIČ: CZ03615669 sídlo: Wolkerova 247/10, 787 01 Šumperk Czech Republic zapsána u Krajského soudu v Ostravě, spisová značka C 60728 Bankovní spojení: FIO BANKA č. ú. 2700705406/2010 gsm: 00420 604 115 546, 00420 737 324 485, |